Neil Langridge

Technical Director and Chief Technical Author

Liberty360 Ltd

Neil is the Technical Director and Chief Technical Author at Liberty360 Limited. Neil, a former Royal Air Force aircraft engineer who served in the Middle East during the 1st Gulf War. After leaving the military Neil went to work in Abu Dhabi and Dubai (5 years) to train United Arab Emirates Air Force (UAEAF) technicians, and later to Taif to train Royal Saudi Air Force (RSAF) technicians on the EuroFighter Typhoon. 
While in the Middle East Neil turned his technical training experience into formal training and technical writing skills to become a dedicated technical author and graphic designer for the aerospace sector. Upon returning to Europe, Neil gained extensive and valuable experience as a contract technical author supporting a wide range of aircraft and equipment (both military and commercial).  
During his time in Stans, Switzerland Neil met Ann Elisabeth Seach (A senior business coach and mentor, now CEO) who developed the idea of forming a company that would provide technical publications support together with coaching & consulting and graphic design services to the aerospace industry. 
Neil is a well-rounded chief technical author and consultant supporting airlines and MRO’s around the globe. 

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06 March 2024 | 11:50 - 12:30 | What are the real implications of misunderstood or misinterpreted technical communication? Who is writing the content of your documentation, and why is this so important?

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